Zebra Dev Podcast

Zebra DEVPODCAST - Living in an IoT World



Listen to Dan Quagliana and Mark Jolley as they dive deep into the IoT world and Zebra’s Savanna data services platform with Brooks Canavesi from Problem Solutions. Sensing the physical world and bringing it into the digital world is a key movement. The Zebra Savanna platform allows us to collect data across multiple devices, pull it together in central data space and then take actionable insights based on the data. Problem Solutions was part of an early Beta because, as a custom product development shop deploying numerous IoT based solutions, they are often asked to integrate custom or off-the-shelf sensors to ingest a collection of mission critical data and then extract this across the corporate value chain. Having the Savanna platform allows Problem Solutions to access system level data points on Android Zebra devices and location data and then push updates and important information out across their Enterprise deployments. Our listeners may want to start thinking about how to get into the IoT world. L