Failing Forward

Episode 29-Karen Bosse



Karen Bosse, a 2 time cancer survivor and speaker talks about self induced healing; that our molecules respond to our thoughts and we create our own healing. She teaches us that neurons that fire together wire together. We have ability to change our pathways of the brain through our thoughts, affirmations or choosing a different thought. Anything that follows “I am” is what I become. You can choose to be a half empty or half full person. We make a choice every moment of the day as to how we are going to respond. It is a choice. If you have a negative thought - make a different thought. Catch yourself and say, wait, there is a reason because everything is for a higher reason and that is to teach us something. Want to change the channel of your mind? Be aware of your thoughts and purge the negative ones via journaling. Journal a daily gratitude list and meditation helps you change the channel of your mind. For more info on Karen Bosse: