Inter Gentes

International Journalism & The Fear of Reprisal



In this podcast, Inter Gentes Team Members interviewed three journalists on their experiences working in international journalism from different regions and the fear of reprisal: Stephanie Nolen, Haroon Siddiqui, and Zelalem Kibret. Below are some of their key messages: "The power of the word is so strong that journalists are disproportionately jailed and tortured and sometimes killed. That's the power of the word for you, and the power of telling the truth." - Haroon Siddiqui "The job [of foreign correspondent] just doesn't exist in the same way that it used to. News organizations are not going to send you. The only way to start out in overseas-based foreign reporting now is to pick a place that has a pretty strong domestic story and to go and move there and set yourself up." - Stephanie Nolen "There are stories of Ethiopian journalists and other dissidents who were kidnapped from Nairobi while they were in exile...Reprisal is just an every-day experience for any journalists who are living in Ethiopia or