Short Stops

Short Stops - S2E03: Reading Through the Abbreviations (REITs and IPOs)



Hosted by Edmund Lee, President & CEO of the Caylum Trading Institute, Short Stops is your weekly stock market update featuring the top trading news, tips and stock picks in Metro Manila and around the world. — In our attempt to forget about the past and to look positively into the future, Edmund has called on board our Head of Research, Zarr Pacificador, and Caylum coach, Bryan Gomez, to focus on some new and exciting developments for the Philippine market - the availability to invest in REITs for the public and the MerryMart IPO. Some of the topics discussed in this episode include the following: - What are REITs and why are they worth a look-over?
 - Investing in REITs vs. Buying Shares of a Company
 - Reviewing the upcoming MerryMart IPO and separating the dream from the reality - Breaking down the numbers
 - The comparative possibilities between MerryMart’s IPO and Double Dragon ($DD) Get your next trading insight and find your baggers right here on Short Stops. Powered by the Caylum Trading Institute