Ruach Breath Of Life

We dare not take Your grace for granted



We first published this prayer for our land in the aftermath of a particular atrocity some years ago. It remains raw and relevant in the face of the particular challenges the nation is facing at the moment. May this cry to the Lord ascend before the throne of the Lord and draw down His great mercy. The powerful music is by Corelli, followed by Colin Owen's ‘Minor Muse.’ The words can also be found below. Transcript Broken and open lies our land in Your sight; clouds pressing down, light dim, darkness rising. For through our own deliberate fault we have rejected Your ways and laid our inheritance bare to powerful forces sweeping through the land; while aimless souls scuttle and hustle in self-imposed blindness deafened by the endless jangle that disentangles souls from Me And the holy ones lament, for this is not the destiny God prepared for us, when first He brought His word to these shores. Lord of hosts, in acts of mercy beyond marvel, You who have foiled and thwarted so many seeming perfect plots, rene