Ruach Breath Of Life

The Lord Reigns. Praying for God's power to be at work among the nations



In the light of the spread of Covid-10 and many other challenges, the Church needs a vigorous response. Here is the third of a three part prayer response to some of the challenges the Church and the nations are facing at the moment, set to beautiful music. Set to the music of Bach’s concerto for oboe and violin, BWV 1060 With Thomas Herzog (oboe), Susannah Herzog, Shirley Richards and Helen Rees (violins), Julian Chan (viola), and Jo Garcia (cello). Lord, You warn in Revelation of seven last deadly plagues, those plagues are the completion of Your wrath, and the last of the seven seals, when You permit that sickly, pallid horse and its deathly rider to have authority to kill one-quarter of the world by famine, war and plague. (Rev. 6:8) Covid 19 may not be on that sort of scale, but even those terrors did not lead the greater part of humanity who survived to humble themselves and turn to You. (Rev. 9: 20-21) We cry out for many turn to You while there is yet time. Then I heard the angel in charge of