Ruach Breath Of Life

In the Courts of the Lord - Reawakening Cd1 track 05



'Fire from the North' Music by Francis Cummings In the Courts of Heaven I heard a sound from heaven like the roar of mighty ocean waves or the rolling of loud thunder. It was like the sound of many harpists playing together. (Rev. 14:2) God, You preside in the courts of highest Heaven, and soon the kingdoms of this world will become the place where You reside and reign forever;” (Rev. 11:15) Your angels worshipping now before Your throne, now waging war as mighty warriors, sounding the seven last trumpets and swinging sickles right across the planet to gather the clusters of grapes from the vines of the earth, then pouring out the bowls that represent the seven last plagues, before consigning Your foe to the bottomless pit. (Rev. 14:18-19) You made our world out of nothing, Lord, but this time round You intend to send such an intense fire that the elements themselves will be melted bare. (2 Pet. 3:10-13) For just as wild fire consumes dead wood in the forest, and redwoods release the seeds that spawn th