Ruach Breath Of Life

Set your hearts on things above - Reawakenings Cd1 track 01



Music (for Preface) composed especially for this project by David Booth of Malvern Welcome to this heartfelt compilation of mineral-rich meditations which set out to capture the yearning of our heart for God, and of His towards us. As we tune our hearts to the Eternal Rock from which we were hewn lets embark on the greatest love story of them all, exploring far ranging themes, that take us far beyond the purely personal to the prophetically panoramic, allowing their poetic reality to sharpen our capacity for contemplation, as the fragrance of Heaven draws near. The themes are too nutrient rich to absorb at one sitting, but you’ll find the words online, and you can always press the ‘Pause’ or listen again, allowing fresh associations to come to mind until these precious truths become embedded in your heart. Since we have been raised with Christ, let’s set our hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the Father’s right hand and think for a while about the things of Heaven, for we have died to this