Ruach Breath Of Life

The Upside down Kingdom: Spirit of Prayer part 2 track 15



The Upside Down Kingdom Music by Linda Louisa So many of the best things God does turn worldly standards upside down: The last shall be first, the weak strong, and the meek will inherit the earth. When everything feels strange, and makes no kind of sense, remember how the Lord has turned so many dilemmas around in the past. He delights in sending marvellous deliverances – even when He chooses to hide behind the event and remain anonymous. Lord, there is much I do not understand right now, but You who gave fins to fish and wings to birds, always have things in mind for me to do; and even a mystery is only a mystery until revelation makes it part of Your living history. Since it is not so much rules that I must follow as the willingness to seek and be surprised; grant me the time and energy I need to attend to such duties as You call me to – and put certain other things aside. My richest awareness of You catches me unawares, but often disappears within the hour, whereas some trials last for months if not