Ruach Breath Of Life

The Magnifying Glass: Spirit of Prayer part 2 track 5



Improvised music. Jack Hayford put it well when he said, “Where we are prepared to travail in prayer, life comes forth, and the kingdom of God extends its triumph,” but the battle is intense, and the devil’s weapon is a magnifying glass! He focuses it on a patch of dried out grass and then ignites some smouldering fire in our lives, affrighting souls that have not learnt to fight with visions dire – or exciting simple souls with visions far too bright. When the Lord inspires some new venture, we can be sure the enemy will do his best to deter us. He’ll either tell us that what we are attempting is misguided and impossible, Or that we are the wrong people to be doing it; And if that doesn’t work, he’ll suggest we’ve got the timing wrong! Now there are times when we must hold some vision in our heart until the Lord gives the specific commission to act on it: but that’s very different from the enemy’s attempt to postpone it indefinitely. Lord, You know exactly how we are wired; and when some idea or initia