Pixels & Ink By Mindfire | Case Studies, Interviews, & Tactics For Multi-channel Marketing Automation, Direct Mail, & Faceboo

#21: 3 Ways Direct Mail and Facebook Work Together to Increase Leads



This is the third episode in our three part series about PURLs (personalized URLs). In episodes 19 and 20 we discussed how PURLs connect online and offline channels in your campaigns. In today's episode we will tell you how to retarget direct mail “Bouncers” on Facebook to drive more leads, deploy Facebook “Social Air Cover” to Direct Mail recipients, and create lookalike audiences just like your best customers. Whether you're a corporate marketer or a service provider, this episode is a must-listen! Please visit http://www.mindfirestudio.com/blog/ to leave questions, comments, or catch up on episodes you missed! Thank you to www.bensound.com for the music!