Pixels & Ink By Mindfire | Case Studies, Interviews, & Tactics For Multi-channel Marketing Automation, Direct Mail, & Faceboo

# 34: Social Media for Lead Generation with Brian Peters @ Buffer



Listen to Episode 34 to hear all things Social Media with expert Brian Peters, Marketing & Social Media Manager at Buffer! He is a wealth of knowledge and brings actionable insights for listeners! He provides key metrics that support businesses using Social Media for lead generation and details on how to leverage the various social channels to generate leads and revenue and how to tie it directly to ROI. This includes when to post, what to post, and what channels to use depending on what industry you're in, among many other things. You'll hear best practices for how to use social media whether you're in B2B or B2C, and will even hear him discuss how much you should be charging if you're a service provider who's providing Social Media services to your clients. You absolutely DO NOT want to miss this jam packed Episode! Enjoy!