

Listen to this week's Episode to learn from the experts at PushCrew how you can leverage Push Notifications to push information, updates, messages, or really anything, to people who opt in to learn about your products or services. In a world where so many of the marketing channels are so saturated, Push Notifications give you a direct communication line to people who are interested in what you have to offer. Whether you are telling people about new content you have on your blog, about special offers/sales on your e-commerce site, or maybe even about the new podcast episode you're sharing, just to name a few, Push Notifications are something you must start using! Check out how this fairly new marketing tool allows you as the marketer to communicate with people who like your product or service and who want to learn about the latest and greatest. And the results? Click through rates on average up to 20%! It's extremely easy to get started, so tune in to find out how now! Oh, and the guys at Push Crew gave