Pixels & Ink By Mindfire | Case Studies, Interviews, & Tactics For Multi-channel Marketing Automation, Direct Mail, & Faceboo

#42: How To Use Other People's Content To Create More Leads For Yourself



If you're up to date on the Pixels & Ink Podcast, you know that we're in the midst of a series that's teaching you how to turn your business into a lead generating machine. Last week's episode taught you secret #1 which was how to ethically repurpose the best performing content that other people have created and embed it with your own call to action. Now this week, we are teaching you how to actually use that content as a part of a multi-channel marketing program to generate leads for YOUR business. Hint: It's easier than you think! And if you're anything like us, you find it helpful to really see how this works. Don't worry, we have a resource for you: head to leadgenmachineforprinters.com to sign up for our free web class where we'll actually SHOW you how to implement these practices. You do not want to miss this episode!