Pixels & Ink By Mindfire | Case Studies, Interviews, & Tactics For Multi-channel Marketing Automation, Direct Mail, & Faceboo

How to Sell More To Your Clients By Offering ‘Real’ OptiChannel Services



If you’re thinking about scaling up the digital campaign services you offer clients, using channels like: Direct Mail Personalized URLs (“PURLs”) Email SMS Ringless Voicemail Social Media Personalized Landing Pages / Microsites Then watch this session now. After a decade of work with thousands of printers, agencies, and marketing services companies worldwide, it’s clear there’s a small set of strategies that correlate with success (rarely discussed; most are kept secret by the industry). To help you up-level your skills and technology to meet the emerging needs of both B2B and B2C orgs, we’ll dissect top questions from our print & agency community, including: — Why OptiChannel solves your Client’s #1 problem (THIS problem is universal, but not obvious) — The different ways printers & agencies charge for these services (definitely surprising) — How to escape the trap of gluing together multiple “free” solutions (which often end up costing way more than professional-grade technology) — The top mistakes p