Sunoh Station

Muhammad Yunus @ Synergia Forum



This is an inaugural podcast of the Synergia Foundation and we present Bangladeshi Nobel Laureate Dr. Muhammed Yunus. Dr. Yunus spoke and interacted with an invited audience in Bangalore at the foundation office, and as one would expect, spoke about the Grameen Bank that he founded, and his lifetime work with micro credit. But there was one other issue that was a recurring subject of his talk, and something about which he spoke with deep concern, and urgency. It was about unequal distribution of wealth and its concentration in the hands of very few individuals. The 'Banker of the Poor', as Dr. Yunus is popularly known, revealed an astonishing statistic. He said, as of today, about eight people own more wealth than the bottom fifty per cent of the world. He wondered if this humungous inequality had led to the rise of the alternative right or alt right across the globe? Because the alt right essentially exploits the frustration and poverty of the masses. In the same breath he spoke about the world’s rigged fina