Sunoh Station

P Chidambaram on fear, and the baggage of the Indian identity



In about a month’s time, add a few days, the BJP will complete three years in office at the centre. Three years is long enough for hidden agenda to assume concrete form. In taking stock, former finance minister P Chidambaram lists the things that have gone awry for the people of this country. In a dispassionate tone – shorn of political rhetoric - he identifies the single emotion that has come to grip people of India: fear. This is the emotion that is being stoked by storm troopers of the state. In executing a unilateral cultural text, these storm troopers are telling the people what to eat, what to talk, whom to marry and how to behave. How does one respond to a context like this? We especially want to thank Fr Richard Rego at St. Joseph's College Autonomous, Bangalore for accommodating Sunoh and enabling this podcast.