Sunoh Station

The Einstein - Tagore Exchanges : An Introduction and Reading by Bangalore Little Theatre



The legendary exchanges between Einstein and Tagore, part conversations organised by Einstein’s son in law, Dmitri Marianov and part through letters, were brought to life at the Bangalore International center. In addition to the transcripts and text, and tone and diction that performers evoked, the discussants identified several polarities, each throwing light on one or more aspects of the intellectual history of that very important epoch of world history, both scientific and political. Is there reality beyond human consciousness? Is the causal world pervaded by the rules of chance? Is beauty a natural affect or is it a matter of convention? While these are the main undercurrents among the Einstein - Tagore exchanges, the Einstein-Bohr exchanges and later, Einstein-Gödel talks appear in the foreground, as well. This is a 4 part series on the Einstein Tagore conversations brought to you by the Center for Contemporary Studies at Indian Institute of Science. Professor Raghevendra Gadagkar, founder chair of the c