Sunoh Station

The Einstein - Tagore Exchanges : "God Doesn't Play Dice."



It is a fact of history that while being an important contributor to the idea of wave –particle duality, Einstein found it hard to accept the formalism of the uncertainty principle which introduced the idea of probability into the system. As a historical aside, professor Vijay Chandru, adjunct visiting professor of interdisciplinary sciences in bio engineering and cyber physical systems at the Indian Institute of Science, points to the developments in the background of an edifice for mathematics erected by Russell and Whitehead. There is the suggestion that familiarity with this work may have been responsible for the aura of certainty in some of Einstein’s early assertions on subjects not falling in the domain of science proper. It is also curious, that the company of Gödel at Princeton, who showed up holes in the Russell-Whitehead claim that mathematics was a complete system, brings Einstein to a mellower position with respect to the deterministic possibilities of mathematics and opening out to the idea of p