Sunoh Station

The Einstein - Tagore Exchanges : The Search For A Non Political Basis For World Unity



Looking outside of the sciences, outside of the east-west or science versus art dichotomies, Prof Amrita Shah, visiting faculty at the centre for contemporary studies at the Indian institute of science, writer and former journalist ,looks at the political undercurrents of Tagore’s multifaceted engagements with the public sphere, within India and across the world. The Tagore family was deeply involved in artistic pursuits and provided cultural leadership at a time when it was crucial to create an Indian personality that defended its self respect in response to the humiliation of colonial rule. Tagore made it his life’s mission to quest for a basis for unity with the world. Being wary of the violence that accompanied political oppositions, Tagore held on to his identity as a poet throughout his life. In looking for a non political basis for world unity Tagore initiated projects in education, lectured abroad, and carried on long correspondences with interlocutors from Germany, England and Japan. Some of these we