Ocean Allison Podcast

Sarah Chinn: California Sea Otter Scientist



Sarah is a Marine Physiologist at Sonoma State University studying both the lives and deaths of California's sea otters. Follow along as Sarah and I discuss how there's more to sea otters than just a pretty (and cute!) face. Her most recent research pinpoints End-Lactation Syndrome as a significant reason for mortality in adult female sea otters and the implications behind this. Read Sarah's scientific paper: http://www.bioone.org/doi/abs/10.7589/2015-06-158?journalCode=jwdi Visit seotter.org: http://www.seaotters.org/ Visit the Fish and Wildlife Service website to learn more: https://www.fws.gov/ventura/endangered/species/info/sso.html Visit the US Geological Survey website to learn more: https://www.werc.usgs.gov/project.aspx?projectid=91