Al`haca Soundsystem

Pb * Supreme Emptyness* (A-Side)



Blei or "Pb" is a new project by Al`Haca`s Alex Pehlemann(P) & Bert Greif(b) focussing, as the titel tries to suggest, on heavy listening material, a common passion between the two since the good old Al`Haca days. 1. Intro - Anonymous 2. Emile - 1524403342 EP - Hidden Hawaii 3. Ossia - Blood & Ice (Version) - BLackest Ever Black 4. Reel By Real - Karma EP (mode7) - Artless 5. Transilvanian Galaxi - God DR-55 - Acido 6. Dynamo Dreesen, Svn & A Made Up Sound - A2 - Acido 7. Ossia - Red X - Blackest Ever Black 8. Skirt - In The Meadows Under The Stars - Horizontal Ground 9. 214 - Binaural Affirmations - Shipwreck 10.The Great Traitor - The Great Traitor - Remnant 11.Outro - Positions (slowed to 33rpm)- Rouge Mécanique