Virtual Citizens

Episode 62 - That Guy From The Coca - Cola Ads



On this holly jolly edition of Virtual Citizens, the gang convene to ponder that most Christmas of figures: Santa Claus! We took a tour through his most recent screen incarnations and see what decades of irony and post-modern thought had wrought on that most sacrosant of Christmas figures not named Jesus Christ. Virtual Citizens is a pop culture podcast, as the parlance goes, from a pop culture generation, with each episode taking in the trappings of modern media and pop culture in odd angles. CHRISTMAS MOVIES DISCUSSION Alastair - Rise of the Guardians Emmet - The Christmas Chronicles Leandro - Miracle on 34th Street Kimmy - Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale HOSTS: Leandro Pondoc CONTRIBUTORS: Alastair Dennehy, Kimmy Choon, Emmet Jones THE SOCIAL MEDIAS Produced: Emmet Jones