Cult Of Dusty Codcast

Hodge Twins Mock Trans Suicides In Unhinged Anti - Trans Rant CODcast 30



The Hodge Twins get canceled for being anti-trans puss factories, both The Amazing Atheist releases videos outright lying about me, Milo releases juicy private messages from Dave Rubin to shit on him, and MUCH MUCH more! Note: I said in this video I felt Rationality Rules lied about my position on the trans sports study and straw-manned me. After reviewing my past statements I can totally understand why he believed as he did to what my position was and I take back my issue with him on that point. I apologize to him for not being more charitable on that point. I'll correct the record on my next podcast. If you enjoy my work, please consider support it by becoming a Patreon! Every little bit really helps. Direct tips: or directly via paypal @ Follow me on Facebook @ and on Twitter @ You can also support the show by picking up the coolest Tees in the Multiverse from h