Tracy's New York Life

The Longest Hour of My Life | Tracy's New York Life



When I made the decision to try a dance class in NYC, I thought to myself, if I can find a class and instructor I like, I would be motivated. I could get in better shape and have fun at the same time. And if I really liked the class, I might be motivated to go weekly, or maybe twice each week. I psyched myself up over the course of several months before I took the plunge and walked in the door of Alvin Ailey to try a Zumba class. I had seen Zumba on television before. And, my friend Matthew had recommended it. He said it was fun and he took classes at Ailey too. So, I thought, if he can do it, so can I! Obviously, we did not take the same class. Or, I was in much worse shape than I’d thought, because, well – listen to the podcast to get the rest of the story.