Adèle Mclay

Business Success Tips - Adèle McLay Interviews Deri Llewellyn - Davies



Meet Deri Llewellyn-Davies - The Strategy Man Yes, business strategy and Mt Everest are connected. They’re connected via my friend, Deri Llewellyn-Davies. Why? Well, he’s a business strategist, and he’s also an adventurer. He has recently returned from climbing Mt Everest, and he’s done loads of other ultra adventures too. Deri uses his BGI Strategy on a Page framework to help small and medium businesses around the world focus on what’s important in their businesses. What’s strategy? Well, we talk about that in our conversation. And don’t worry, I promise you Deri won’t have you writing a big fat business plan tome that then gets shelved. He’ll inspire you to write a one pager that you’ll review daily. It’ll keep you focused on your purpose and vision in your business. Easy peasy!! :) And, if you’re planning some kind of big adventure, you can use the Strategy on a Page one pager to help you plan for that too. I know you’ll enjoy our interview, and I hope you’ll be inspired to download Deri’s