Marketers In Motion

The American Marketing Association & New Marketers In Motion Podcast



EP 01 The new Marketers In Motion Podcast is powered by the West Michigan Chapter of the American Marketing Association. Marketing is our passion, and as a Chapter we hope to inspire dialogue, fuel creativity, and create a community for marketers everywhere. Our first podcast focuses on the AMA's mission, goals and benefits of membership. We also discuss the new Marketers In Motion Podcast and introduce our first round of podcasts which include.... -Social Media's Next Era: The Death of Social Media Engagement -Cause Marketing Is Marketing, Not A Subcategory -Marketing & Sales: Why Marketing Comes First -Marketing Tech Talk: Integrating Marketing Technology Into Your Organization Marketers In Motion Podcast Host: Josh Janowiak Director of Communications Sandy Pines Recreational Community Podcast Guests and future MIM Co-Hosts: Meahgan Pear AMA President / National Senior Marketer at BDO USA Rebecca Dutcher AMA President-Elect & President and Founder of Red 66 Marketing Marci Palmer AMA VP of Members