Marketers In Motion

Resilience & Reinvention



As we’ve all experienced, disruption can come quickly requiring nimble thinking and the ability to pivot. As we continue navigating these unchartered territories, marketers must remain resilient and focus on adaptability and reinvention. But, with all the change, it can be hard to know what direction to take and what strategies to put into place to adapt to the ‘new normal’. That’s why this year we’re focused on “Resilience and Reinvention” with programming designed to help marketers adapt to rapid change and find creative solutions to reinvent the way we do things. Key Topics -Adjusting & Adapting Marketing Strategies -Marketing Challenges -Marketing Strategies -Virtual Networking -AMA WM 2020/2021 Programming Ben Kaluski & Adam Clarke We’re excited to have with us two of our very own AMA-WM board members, Ben Kaluski and Adam Clarke. Both Ben and Adam are going to share with us a little about our upcoming season as well as how they’re seeing resilience and reinvention play out in the marketing space. Th