Inside The Pylon Quick Kicks Podcast

Quick Kicks March 2, 2016 - w/ Brandon Thorn on Prospect Physiology, Strength and Conditioning



As our countdown to the NFL Draft continues, we dig into one of the often-overlooked areas of projecting prospects - strength and conditioning and how to project injuries. Chuck Zodda and Mark Schofield are joined on the March 2 Quick Kicks Podcast by Brandon Thorn of The Football Educator to discuss what scouts can learn about a prospect based on how he walks and his actions during drills. Topics this show include: -Brandon's introduction to physiology and how he initially became interested, and his path towards learning more about the subject over the past several years (2:04) -What types of physical traits can be red flags of things that may lead to injury down the road, and how posture gives us a wealth of information about stress areas in the body and the potential for future breakdowns (3:35) -Structural aspects such as pelvic tilt and lack of ankle dorsiflexion and what they indicate about a prospect's overall athleticism and balance (8:27) -Common areas of strength and conditioning that are lacking i