Joey Green Band

Other Side Of A Dream



Time And The River is a collection of poems written by Joey Green in 1996-97 and later set to music. An eloquent, mystical acoustic/rock musical presentation of poems written Time And The River is an eloquent, mystical, acoustic/rock musical presentation of poems written on the banks of the Hudson River by Joey Green in 1998-1999. By watching the river through all four seasons Joey learned a lot about that "river". He wrote these "poems" and feelings down and not long after put them to music with an old 6-string guitar. This release is an introspective look at nature, self, the world around us and what hides just beneath the surface. It is playful, mystical, dreamy, intense and at times enigmatic in that the listener may not always be able to "grab" what the author is attempting to put across. Brilliantly produced by Christian Cassan at his "Secret Garden Studios" in Brooklyn, NY. It features many talented artists including Justin "JJ" Jordan, Gerry O'Sullivan , Christian Cassan, Alred Buonanno, Robe