Wilder Research: Talking Through The Numbers

2020 Census: Why every Minnesotan should make sure they’re counted



Every 10 years, the U.S. Census Bureau counts every person in the United States. The results determine political representation, determine federal funding allocation to states and tribal nations, and serve as a key source of information for government, nonprofit, and business planning. In Minnesota, the 2020 Census will determine whether we retain eight seats in the U.S. House of Representatives. On this episode, guests discuss the 2020 Census, which groups and communities are sometimes undercounted, and why a full and accurate count is essential for the health and success of Minnesota’s government, businesses, and residents. Host Paul Mattessich talks with Wayne Ducheneaux, executive director of the Native Governance Center, Susan Brower, Minnesota State Demographer and director of the Minnesota State Demographic Center, and Jacob Wascalus, research scientist at Wilder Research and the Minnesota Compass project. More information Census 2020: We Count MN https://mn.gov/admin/2020-census/ Native Gov