Writer's Bagel Basket

Ep. 1.5: Half Dozen - "Poppyseed"



In this mini-sode of Writer's Bagel Basket, Scott is Dwightless In Seattle. Scott gives more trivia on the last episode of WBB the "Small Wonder" episode. What he learns may shock you like a very famous actor got turned down to be Jamie, and one of the leads on the show was in a Oscar nominated film from this year's Academy Awards. Also Dwight and Scott and WBB are on twitter @wrtrbagelbskt and you can email the boys at writersbagelbasket@gmail.com with questions, shows or movies to watch, and fan art of the shows they're doing. Credit to DJ Quads for providing Living Stereo (The music in the theme) and Legend (instrumental). Support DJ Quads on his soundclound: https://soundcloud.com/aka-dj-quads