Kevin Polky - The Journey

Kevin Polky - The Journey #3 (Part 3) | Dalton Bullard & Kylie Lewis



Podcast #3 (Part 3): Dalton Bullard & Kylie Lewis The Warrior and the Princess. I had a greater opportunity during this three-part series to have a conversation with Dalton and Kylie about their journey individually and together. This is must for anybody in a relationship or longs to be in that relationship. It doesn’t have to be perfect because it is a journey. It just has to work for the two individuals to grow and compliment each other. Kylie and Dalton candidly talk about their adventures together as they moved cross country and then returned home. They shared how they grew together and faced fears and embraced victories together. Priceless conversations with a young couple who follow their hearts and go off the well-trodden path. Thanks for listening to the podcast. For more information please check out