Ecommerce Q&a

Un-Scientific Branding



Michael and Dillon discuss ways in which companies are successfully connecting their customers to their products, on an emotional level. TRANSCRIPT Michael: Hello folks, and welcome to eCommerce QA. This is the podcast where store owners, directors of eCommerce and eCommerce managers can stay up-to-date on the latest tools and technologies in eCommerce. I'll be joined on the show by my colleague and partner-in-crime, Dillon Holst. Our goal is to handle one or two questions per episode. You can check us out on the web at There, you will be able to get in touch, ask us questions, and just generally participate. Dillon thinks branding is scientific. Dillon: Yeah, I do. Michael: I don’t agree. Dillon: I do. Michael: Why? Why do you think branding is scientific? Dillon: Because I think there are some things that just innately appeal to people, and as a result they’re why we see tropes, they’re why we see the same thing over and over again. There’s a reason for that. Hm? Michael: That’s a