Ecommerce Q&a

Onsite Search With Derek Wisnewski



Shownotes: Transcript: Michael: Hello folks and welcome to eCommerce Q & A, this is the show where, as you know, store owners and directors of eCommerce and eCommerce managers can stay up to date on the latest and greatest in eCommerce. I'm Michael Bauer, your host and self-proclaimed eCommerce junkie. Basically means I'm really into this topic, super passionate about it and frequently host on this show. Our guest today is an expert onsite search and personalization, his name is Derek Wisnewski and his company is called Nextopia. We've been working with Nextopia actually for about five or six years with clients and just been extremely happy with their company and what they offer. But we've never done a podcast together so here we are. Derek, welcome. Derek: Hey, thanks Michael. Thanks for bringing me on to this podcast. Excited to share some more knowledge about onsite search. Michael: Absolutely, it's wonderful to have you. Derek, can you tell me a little bit about y