Think Business With Jon Dwoskin

The Magic of One-on-One



Jonny Imerman is the Founder of Imerman Angels, a 1:1 Cancer Support Community. While fighting cancer at 26 years old, Jonny had loving support from family and friends, but never met anyone his age who was a cancer survivor. He wanted to talk to someone just like him, someone who truly understood and remembered – someone who had already faced the same type of cancer.  Today, Imerman Angels provides that gift for cancer fighters. Imerman Angels introduces each cancer fighter to one survivor who is the same age, same gender, and someone who has already faced that particular type of cancer. A cancer survivor would be an angel – walking, talking, living proof to inspire the fighter that he/she can overcome their cancer. This was the beginning of Jonny’s vision. In 2006, Imerman Angels was founded.A community that Imerman started from scratch now has 8,000 people strong worldwide.  Jonny and Jon talk about their experiences as cancer survivors, creating and running a non-profit and the power of helping others. Con