Think Business With Jon Dwoskin

Finding Happiness In A Chaotic World



Jon, Randall and Nic Marks, CEO & Founder of Friday Pulse, Statistician, Happiness expert and TED speaker, talk about how to find happiness in a chaotic world! Nic was once described as a "statistician with a soul" due to his unusual combination of 'hard' statistical skills and 'soft' people skills. He has been working in the field of happiness, wellbeing and quality of life for over 25 years with a particular emphasis on measurement and how to create positive change. In 2008, Nic and his colleagues created the Five Ways to Wellbeing for the UK Government Office of Science. They were designed to be the mental health equivalent of five fruit and vegetables a day. They have since been used very widely in the UK and globally as a framework for promoting positive mental health. In 2010, he gave a TED talk on his work in public policy, which has not been watched over 2 million times. Nic has been applying his creative thinking to the world of work since 2012. He is the founder of Friday Pulse(TM) Ltd and has w