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Ep: 7 - Using social to kick-start your business with Sally Hill



Sometimes the hardest thing in business is to make those gutsy moves. This is one of the core lessons learned by entrepreneur Sally Hill, founder of digital experience and events outfit Wildwon. Sally describes how it was a bold move to start the business, but laments not backing her entrepreneurial purpose early enough. She says her greatest business learning came from taking risky leaps. Two-and-a-half years since launching, Wildwon now hosts innovation festivals for large corporate firms like financial services company AMP. Sally credits the calibre of Wildwon’s clientele to their keen and successful efforts in social media marketing and content marketing. She offers social media advice to other small business looking for a fresh marketing incentive. Listen in to discover why anger and frustration is the perfect recipe for a unique business purpose and why wherever there’s lemons, there’s lemonade.