Xero In

Ep: 21 - Get tech savvy: 5 things to think about in 2016



Smartphones. You’re probably listening to this podcast on one right now. But are you maximising your favourite pocket gadget for your business? There’s so much new tech out there that it’s difficult to know where to begin. In this episode of Xero In, hosts Rob Stone and JV Douglas are joined by one of Australia’s top technology journalists and industry commentators, Angus Kidman. Together, they launch headfirst into the world of mobile tech, discussing the top trends for the year ahead and sharing tips on how you too can unlock your inner tech-nerd. “I don't think you have to start by thinking about apps - the cultural decision is important too,” Angus said. “Ask yourself, what are your staff used to? Do they want major retraining?” Angus shares tips for small business owners about staying on top of mobile tech trends and maximising the technology you’ve already got.