Xero In

Ep: 25 - Growing old disgracefully: Succession planning and exit strategies



You’ve built a successful small business and it’s going well - but over the horizon comes retirement, a new venture, or a family concern. So how do you plan for your exit? In this week’s episode of Xero In, we speak to business broker Kev Ryan about the many options available to small business owners when planning their exit, as well as what new business owners should look for when deciding to invest in an existing business. “There’s skill involved, but if you give yourself plenty of time like any strategy, time is the key. Start early and work out where and how this is all going to transpire,” says Kev. If you’re thinking about selling up, getting out, moving in or investing, this is the episode for you. Tune in to hear tips and stories from Kev’s two decades of experience as a business broker.