New Spirit & Energy Healing Radio With Darius Barazandeh

Mashhur Anam interviewed by Darius Barazandeh



Imagine removing the resistance to the life you desire! Experience new super energy readings and energy clearings! Mashhur Anam is an alchemist of transformation - get ready to experience his newest energetic processes to restore harmonic frequencies, release energy blocks, heal subconscious wounds, and re-create your life now, today, and forever! Join Mashhur Anam for Align with VORTEX Energy and Re-Create Your Life, Dreams and Abundance. In this brand new session with Mashhur you will utilize the energy of the Bell Rock vortex and energy of the Rainforests to broadcast your ideal life vision to the universe, use harmonic frequencies of a Tibetan singing bowl to manifest your desires, broadcast your desires by using a Fibonacci Sequence, a sacred and powerful matrix of the Universal Creation Energy, learn how to send out intense bursts of pulses to declare your intentions, detach from the mindset of constant release and clearing and begin to create your reality, and discover the ancient sacred science of Dre