
Episode 114 - Sideboarding for Fun and Profit



"Great players that sideboard badly lose more than medium players that sideboard well." Sideboarding is an essential skill both at the deckbuilding level and for tournament success. In this episode we cover some general points on the subject along with a card by card case study of the sideboard configuration that took Ahren's TemUro deck from a 2-3 zero to 5-0 hero. More Real Talk about Pioneer, an Underworld Breach deck that should be on your radar, BOGO Spice Rack cards and more! Show notes: 1) Decked Builder affiliate link: https://store.deckedbuilder.com/t1thoughtseize 2) Urza Breach deck: https://www.hipstersofthecoast.com/2020/02/modern-urza-breach/ 3) TemUro v1: https://scryfall.com/@DiscardSpell/decks/f4b59062-6c52-44a4-9152-b5541755a899 4) TemUro v2: https://scryfall.com/@DiscardSpell/decks/95fa57fb-a155-47aa-a6d7-993a62c820b4 5) Designated Deck Tester: www.twitch.tv/h0lydiva 6) https://www.patreon.com/turnonethoughtseize