

Kelly and Marsha are knitters and spinners who are celebrating the first anniversary of the podcast! To celebrate they first talk about all their knitting, spinning, and crochet projects and plans. Then they have a conversation about the podcast and the past year. Kelly finished her Cotton/Linen Featherweight making a few modifications to the beloved pattern by Hannah Fettig.  This is her fourth completed sweater from coned yarns from the rescued weaving stash!  Last year she made the Acorn Trail cardigan and the Gala Tunic from coned wool yarns. This year she made the Featherweight and Cherry Vanilla cardigans. Work continues on the Mielie Vest, a pattern by Hillary Smith Callis. This one will be finished soon and has some modifications that can be found on the project page. Marsha continues to work on the Lanata cardigan by Amy Christoffers. Since she returned home from California, she caught up on her Mariner Crackerjack Cowl, and has continued working on the bright green Antarktis. During the last year of