

  The American DayDeam is brought to you by:   Today I talk about the secret sauce for reaching any goal: #momentumbaby.   Momentum is tunnel vision. Setting your sights on a goal and not letting distractions pull you off course.   Winning at anything starts with momentum. But you can’t just sit back and cross your fingers hoping it all works out. You have to get into action. #allaboutthataction Momentum is what helped me pay of $40,000 of debt in 9 months. Momentum is what allowed me to build my side business to six-figures in 1 year. Momentum is why people reach incredible fitness, financial, and personal development goals in relatively short periods of time.   Don’t ignore the power of momentum. If you’ll stay focused, intense, and passionate over time about your purpose, then you’ll begin to see unstoppable momentum in your life.