

The American DayDream is brought to you by:   Your words command and change the atmosphere…   Today I talk with you about words.   Words are power. Words are energy. Words allow you to speak life or death over your dreams.   If you’re saying, “I’ll never lose this weight…that never works for me…I’ll never reach that point in my business…I’lll never meet the man of my dreams…”   Then guess what? You won’t.   Today I give you a homework assignment for your mindSWEAT reset: You’re going to make BELIEF CARDS. Get some notecards and write positive, present-tense “I AM” statements.   For example: “I am patient, compassionate and empathetic to the feelings of others.” “Talking on the phone energizes me!” “I am strong, sweet, and free.”   Please share a belief statement in our Facebook group!   Change your words, change your life.