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015 Make Sales Your New Best Friend and Watch Your Business Explode



You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want…   Today I help you break the myth that sales is a bad thing.   Sales allows you to compress time. Sales is your new best friend.   What is sales exactly? Essentially it is offering a solution for someone who is looking for a change. You are a solution for somebody. YOU are your own brand.   You see, everyone sells. Just because you don’t have the word “sales” in your job title, does not mean you don’t sell. You do.   To your boss. To your partner. To your friends. You sell the movie you want to see. You sell the new album you just downloaded. You sell the restaurant you want to try. You sell your ideas, your vision, your favorite type of workout. You sell your employees on how great their job is. You sell yourself in interviews and on Tinder.   It is time sales stops being an ugly, greasy word and is honored for what it is: an art form.   And a benefit to mankind. Matching needs and wants with products and services.   Don’t