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017 The Honest Truth About What Holds Most People Back From Success



The American DayDream is brought to you by:   Progress comes from doing the uncomfortable until it becomes comfortable…   Today is all about breaking through any roadblocks.   Mindset shifts hurt. But you’re one shift from the next level.   Here are the three major traps that keep people from being successful:   1- Quitting.   Don’t be like the majority. Be bold. And don’t ever quit your daydream.    2- Inability to get along with others.   Master the art of relationships through communication and empathy.   3- Procrastination.   Define the ONE THING your dream needs and immediately take that step. TODAY!   4- Lack of investment mindset. Takes money to make money.   Have you ever sat down and defined what success looks like to you..? I encourage you to start there- so you know WHY you are going to stay the course and overcome these common roadblocks that keep many from their destiny.   I would love to hear what success looks like to you. Email it my way and be sure to sign up at www.hus