

The American DayDream is brought to you by:    “When you look good, you feel good. When you feel good, you lead good.”    I was a personal trainer for 10 years and recognize that for many- confidence starts with body image. The discipline to create and commit to healthy habits builds confidence…the type of confidence that glows when you walk into a room. The type of confidence that attracts more opportunity and a massive following.    Body image is your perception of how attractive you are.  Self esteem is confidence in your abilities.    Good self-esteem is important because it helps you keep a positive outlook on life and makes you feel proud of the person you are, both inside and out…giving you courage to try new things, the power to believe in yourself, and confidence to make healthy choices.    ________________________________________________   Four steps for killer body confidence & self image:    1. Commit to a workout program.   2. Eat clean 80% of the tim