

The American DayDream is brought to you by:    “To whom much is given, much is required.”    I never wrote a budget when I was single. Not that I shouldn’t have- it’s just that it was a whole lot simpler when it was just myself making decisions...    I lived in the city, drove a new mini, didn’t blow too much money on weekend trips, fancy dinners or booze. I would pay my regular bills and throw everything extra at debt. And I was able to pay off $40,000 of debt in 9 months with the help of my side hustle.    Things get more complicated with marriage. You merge incomes, spending habits, priorities…    James and I have always been wide-open books with each other when talking about money. It took him a little longer to embrace the value of debt freedom, and it took me awhile to understand the incessant need to upgrade to first class- but beyond that, we’ve always been quite on par with our thinking and long-term vision.    After being married for a year and making virtua