

The American DayDream is brought to you by:    “To achieve the exceptional you have to ignore the popular.”   I always tell people the two best decisions I’ve ever made in my life were marrying sweet Jamesy- and saying yes to AdvoCare.    The direct selling industry (also called network marketing / multi-level marketing) gives you the opportunity to earn great money and become your truest, best self in the process. I’m committed to teaching people how to take responsibility for their lives, their dreams, their relationships and their finances…so this business model fit perfectly with the mission statement for my life.    But what about you? Are you open to the idea of what this type of side-hustle could do for you, your family, your legacy?    On this episode of The American DayDream I specifically cover the pros and cons of network marketing and who it is ideal for. Be sure to stay tuned this entire month by signing up at as I will be d